Save time. Reduce costs. Delight customers.
The Solution
that Optimizes Local Delivery.
Master Your Last Mile Deliveries with Mobilus
Place orders
Maximize your team's efficiency with a simple smart tool & avoid the typical mistakes of having everything scattered all over the place.
Track deliveries
View your order and its status, your driver location and the remaining workload in a matter of clicks.
Boost profitability
Real time communication with your couriers saves time, money and improves customer service. The return on your investment is immediate.
Ease of use
Fight resistance to change with an app that everyone loves
Have the delivery status at your fingertips thanks to real time data exchange with your couriers.
Reduce costs
The benefits are many: easy to use, optimization of delivery routes, better workforce planning, etc...
Better client experience
Notify your customer by SMS of when you will arrive with their order!
Helpful information
Access orders in preparation to better organize your route and be proactive instead of reactive.
Centralized customer file
All the information necessary for delivery is accessible by all couriers. Facilitates training of new delivery personnel and ensures quality of service in the event of a replacement.
Avoid being disturbed
Receive instructions in the App while on the road, no need to write or memorize them, or have your management team receive custom built alerts for situations requiring attention.
Setting up your delivery service is giving you headaches?
Mobilus is here for you! Take your home delivery operations to the next level by eliminating paper forms, optimizing delivery routes and tracking customer orders in real time.
Mobilus by the numbers
Customers accross North America
Deliveries per month
Mobilus is a Canadian-based technology company that builds software for local delivery operations.